2002-2005 Ruins

In my opinion it's important for an artist who has never experienced the tragedy of war to commemorate and at the same time to give a message of hope. I tried to make this clear through the choice of color; this element represents energy that circulates, life that counterbalances death. In reality, the choice of using many colors to paint the ruins is an idea I got from a passage of Se questo è un uomo by Primo Levi, which describes the sun setting on a concentration camp. The contrast between the beauty of the sky and the absolute squalor of Auschwitz perfectly underlines the total indifference of nature to human tragedies, contrary to an “expressionist” approach, which consists of representing the participation of nature, an approach I wanted to avoid.

Rovine, oil on canvas, 2005, 97x130 cm
In strada, oil on canvas, 2005, 133x91 cm
Il mattino dopo, oil on canvas, 2005, 130x89 cm
Berlin 45, oil on canvas, 2007, 54x65 cm

