1998-1996 Outsides

[…] Working on these subjects really fascinated me in that they are found in all civilizations, starting from the most ancient, with a similar symbolic value. Mountains, for example, are tied to the idea of man meeting god; it's in the Bible, obviously, but it makes me also think about the pyramids in Egypt, Mount Fuji in Japan, the Maya ...All people have had sacred mountains or constructions that reproduce the shape of a mountain. Places where hermits withdraw to meet god, to become wise.

[…] I only show the top of my mountains and trees, the point where the sky and earth meet, an axis mundi. What I wanted to show through this series of paintings is the conflict between our earthly, material dimension and the need for transcendence, spirituality, and I feel a vertical element is an adequate subject to represent this.

Marina, 2000, oil on canvas, 195x205 cm
Starry skies, 2005, oil on canvas, 115x170 cm
Cedar forest, 2012, oil on canvas, 180x290 cm

